Mon / 23 October 2023
Ferry Building Fun This Halloween Season

If you find yourself in search of a little local Halloween fun, look no further than our neighbors, the San Francisco Ferry Building. The Ferry Building has a few Halloween events scheduled for the festive weekend.
Join the fun as Ferry Flicks at the Fort Point Beer Garden presents a Halloween classic, Beetlejuice. The film begins around 6:30pm. Seating is limited, so register early! Know before you go:
Movie summary: The spirits of a deceased couple are harassed by an unbearable family that has moved into their home, and hire a malicious spirit to drive them out.
Tickets include picnic table seating inside the Fort Point Beer Garden and snacks (as indicated per ticket). Enjoy $5 draft pours before the show at Happy Hour from 5pm – 7:00pm.
– The screen will be located on the FERRY BUILDING NORTH PLAZA, perfectly viewable from the Fort Point Beer Garden.
– It gets chilly on the SF waterfront, so be prepared! Bring jackets and blankets to stay cozy.
– Purchase additional snacks and candy at Fort Point’s kiosk or inside the building before the show. (Check individual shop hours here.)
This event is a wonderful family-friendly event and a great excuse to try out your Halloween costume. Perfect for kids and families, visit the Ferry Building and trick-or-treat your way around the Marketplace!
Events throughout the day. Pick up a bag in front of the building along the Embarcadero and visit participating shops inside for treats. Find all the spooky characters in our scavenger hunt and view a live pumpkin carving demonstration. Create a seasonal craft at our kid’s activity table, have your face painted and your tarot cards read.
Event runs Sunday, October 29th 11:00am to 1:00pm.
For those of you exploring a little more of San Francisco during Halloween season, SF Eater has a wonderful article showcasing bar parties throughout the city.
Happy Hauntings.
Image credit: SF Ferry Building Marketplace
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